It’s been said that friends are like our second family and that’s certainly true for most of us.
If you’re lucky enough to have a large circle of friends, it’s a nice gesture to let them know from time to time that you appreciate their friendship and support. You can send them a small greeting cardx just because, or add a small gift or flowers if there is a special occasion.
Les 30 meilleurs messages d'amitié pour ses amis
- My friend… thank you for tolerating my idiosyncrasies and crazy habits. You may not know it, but you have helped me find happiness in being the person I really am.
- Talks may be short and silences long, but friendship is the most beautiful song in life.
- I don’t know how to say thank you to a friend who understands everything I never say and who never says anything I don’t understand.
- With you I can be honest and bare my heart. Nothing else can come close to the beautiful friendship we share.
- We have accepted each other’s past. We will stay together until the end. We promise to be there for each other. That’s because we are friends forever.
- I don’t regret the things I’ve done, or the things I haven’t done, because somewhere along the way I must have done something right because I’ve become a friend like you.
- Our friendship is not dependent on being physically together as long as we understand each other. I love you.
- I don’t know what loneliness means because I have never been sad and lonely. I have always navigated through life’s darkest corners and twists and turns, thanks to you, my friend. Merci.
Original price was: $35,00.$24,90Current price is: $24,90.
Original price was: $25,00.$19,90Current price is: $19,90.
- Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a cool friend like you. Thanks for being my best friend.
- There are no coincidences! People meet for a reason. But whatever it is, I am so happy to have you in my life! Clueless? Oh, come on! Let’s just say we’re meant to be friends.
- Thank you for knowing exactly when to tell me what I want to hear, when I want to hear it the most.
- If I am at the peak of my success today, it is only because our friendship has carried me higher in every way.
- I never let myself down, even when I’m in trouble, because I know you’re only a phone call away. Thank you.
- You blur the lines between friends and family because you are both to me.

- I would rather thank you again and again for being a wonderful friend in every way than cheapen our friendship by only thanking you once a year on Friendship Day. Thank you.
- I am proud of myself for being lucky enough to meet someone like you. No matter what happens, I will always cherish you because I know I will never have another friend like you.
- Promise me that we are true friends. You are the roof, I am the floor. You are the floor, I am the tiles. You are the sun, I am the rays. I am the tree, you are the monkey.
- Our friendship is both an asset and a debt – an asset in my life and a debt I will always owe.
- An empty stomach needs food, an empty brain needs knowledge, an empty house needs a family, and an empty heart needs love. But then, an empty life needs a friend, thanks for filling it.
- Our friendship is a rare currency. It never depreciates, it always appreciates, it is acceptable in all countries, but it is only available to a few lucky friends like us.
- Sun or rain, friends always ease the pain. Morning or night, the best friends make everything okay.
- True friends never leave each other, never part. They sometimes sit silently, deep in each other’s hearts, saying, “I’m here if you need me.”
- Friends have to argue about whether their friendship is true. A true friend will never drag their friend through the mud in public – instead, they will talk about how awesome, kind and honest their friend is.
- Soon you won’t feel my presence, you won’t even miss my absence. I only hope that one day, when our roads cross again, you will still be the person I used to call a friend.
- We should remember and care for our friends not only when we are together, but also when they are far away. Friendship at a distance is the strongest.
- Do you know what heartbreak and deception have in common? They don’t exist between friends.
- I know your life can go on without me, that you can be happy without me, that you can survive without me. But even if you push me away, I will always stay with you and I will always be your friend.
- Maybe, I don’t know you that well. I don’t know how you act exactly, but these things won’t keep me away from you. Because those are the reasons I’m here…to get to know you better.
- There’s no one I could share my tears and fears with if you weren’t here. Thank you for being by my side, and for always giving me reasons to rejoice.

8 bonus messages of friendship!
- Même si vous êtes à des kilomètres de moi, vous semblez être plus proche que la plupart des membres de ma famille vivant dans la même maison.
- Et si tu as besoin d’un ami et qu’il y a cent pas entre nous ? Tu peux faire le premier pas pour te rapprocher de moi et je ferai les 99 pas pour être là pour toi.
- Les gens m’aident en donnant des réponses aux questions que je pose. Tu m’aides en me demandant quel est le problème.
- Nous sommes vraiment les meilleurs amis pour la vie car je ne me souviens pas quand notre amitié a commencé et je sais qu’elle ne finira jamais. Merci.
- Tout au long de ma vie, tout le monde pouvait voir les larmes dans mes yeux… mais toi seul pouvais sentir la douleur dans mon cœur. Merci d’être mon ami.
- Les amis comme toi ne demandent pas beaucoup d’entretien. Pas de cadeaux coûteux, tout ce dont tu as besoin, c’est d’amour et d’affection.
- Tu m’aimes le plus quand tout le monde me déteste. Tu crois le plus en moi quand tout le monde perd la foi en moi. C’est toi qui as le plus confiance en moi quand même je ne peux pas me faire confiance – tu es le meilleur.
- Le véritable lien ne se mesure pas au temps passé ensemble ou aux services rendus à l’autre, mais au réconfort que l’on trouve lorsqu’on réalise que l’on tient à l’autre.